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Ride-hailing Drivers Protest New Vehicle Income Tax In Ghana

The introduction of the new Vehicle Income Tax in Ghana by the Ghana Revenue Authority has been met with strong opposition from the Ghana Online Drivers Union. The drivers argue that the new policy will have a detrimental impact on their livelihoods, and they are demanding a meeting with the authorities to discuss the policy further.

They believe that without proper consultation, the new Vehicle Income Tax In Ghana will significantly burden ride-hailing drivers and may even lead to job losses.

The Ghana Online Drivers Union is protesting the Ghana Revenue Authority’s announcement of a new tax policy that they believe will negatively affect their work and livelihoods. They are asking for the authorities to take their input into account, and to engage in a dialogue about the potential impact of the new tax policy before it is implemented.

According to a report by myjoyonline, the drivers point out the lack of clarity in the new tax policy, particularly regarding the classification of ride-hailing drivers as commercial vehicle owners. They believe that without appropriate regulations, the tax policy could have unintended consequences for the sector.

GODU is urging the GRA to enter into discussions with them to clarify the legal framework and create a more equitable tax system. They believe that a collaborative approach is necessary to ensure a sustainable future for the ride-hailing sector.

While the union hopes to reach a collaborative solution with the GRA, they will not hesitate to take action if necessary. They acknowledge that a nationwide strike would have significant consequences, but feel that it may be necessary to protect the interests of the ride-hailing sector.

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