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Vanis Glow Cosmetics: Glowing Against All Odds

Vanis Glow Cosmetics is an esteemed cosmetics brand that has garnered significant attention within the Ghanaian market. Rising from humble beginnings, it has rapidly emerged as the leading cosmetics brand in Ghana, establishing itself as a formidable competitor against well-known cosmetic brands in Ghana, Nigeria, Dubai, and various other countries around the globe.

In this exclusive interview with LynkUPP, we have the privilege of speaking with Avani Christiana, the visionary CEO behind the remarkable brand, Vanis Glow Cosmetics. Throughout this discussion, Avani graciously shares the compelling story behind the brand’s inception, sheds light on the challenges overcome thus far, and illuminates the promising prospects that lie ahead. Prepare for an insightful journey as we delve into the world of Vanis Glow Cosmetics and the brilliance that drives its flourishing presence in the cosmetics industry.

LynkUPP: Could you please tell us about Vanis Glow Cosmetics?

VGC: Vanis Glow Cosmetics was actually birthed through a misfortune I suffered. I suffered a snake bite. Yes, I was bitten by a snake. And after the treatment and everything, my skin became damaged. I tried so many things to restore my skin, but they all proved abortive. I had to go online to research on what to do inorder to regain my skin. It was during one of those days that I went to Nigeria for a visit. One of my friends I was staying with then was into skincare. So I asked her to teach me how to make the soap. And she did. I used the soap I made, and I realized my skin gradually returned, and was even better than it used to be.

When I got to Ghana, people were asking me to make the soap and cream for them, and I would make them. At a point, it occurred to me that I could actually manufacture the soap and cream on a commercial basis. And I asked myself, ‘since you’ve used the products, and they are working, why don’t you turn it into a business?’ And so I started. But it was very painful that people didn’t believe in me. My friends didn’t believe in me. They didn’t believe in my products, and it really hurt me. This was in 2021. And I was like, ‘ok let me keep trying’. The only thing that kept me going was my consistency, and my belief in the efficacy of my products. Even when they buy or don’t buy, I was always posting on my social media handles, making noise about what I was doing.

I went to the market, bought two soaps, and started mixing. And anytime I mixed them, I needed to use the product first before selling it. I never sold any product I had not yet tested on myself. I first tried it on my skin for a week or two to know if it was working, or if it will damage the skin before releasing it into the market.

And by God’s grace, here we are today. I have received several awards for my products, and I attribute it all to God’s doing.

LynkUPP: What skin types do your products cater to?

VGC: We work on all skin types. Whether you’re a dark person, caramel,  white, or half-caste, our products will work for you. Someone even had eczema on her face, and she used our product. In just a few days, the eczema disappeared. Another person that had stretch marks bought our products, and our product restored her skin to normal, and the stretch mark was completely eradicated.

Our products moisturize the skin. Some people think that when you’re using skincare products, you should use the harsh ones, thinking it will make your skin glow and look beautiful. That is a misconception. It’s the mild ones that make your skin look beautiful, soft, and glow. But it also takes consistency to achieve this result. Some people are just not patient. They buy a product from you, and expect to see results the very next day. I always tell them to relax, cos I know they will definitely get results from the product they are using. And 99% of them usually find it just the way I told them. Our products work!

LynkUPP: Could you share some details about the different products offered by Vanis Glow Cosmetics?

VGC: We have different products including the mulato soap for all skin types, customized black soap, we have caramel shower gel, acne wash, made with honey, natural honey, and it removes stretch marks, half-caste lotion, whitening oil (some people don’t like to use the lotion, so they prefer the oil)  Pink lips, body scrub, and many more.

For sun burn and dark patches, we have a very efficient remedy for them. The acne wash and the face cream treats and remove it effectively.

You don’t need face soap in treating sunburn and dark patches, cos it will damage the skin. You need mild soap. You can use the acne wash to treat it. You apply it 3 minutes before you shower. It’s very effective. After bathing, use the face cream. After two to three weeks, you can start using the facial scrub. After treating the dark patches, sunburn, and acne with acne wash, you exfoliate with a scrub.

LynkUPP: So how has the journey been so far?

VGC: The challenges really came when I just started. I was making products, but I was not selling. I was really troubled because you know what you are bringing up, and you don’t get anybody to believe in you and buy your products. The few people that were buying were those who have bought before. No new people were coming to patronize me. Some people just wanted you to convince them, and even after spending time talking to them in a bid to convincing them, they will promise to get back to you. But they never did. It was really heartbreaking. Even after seeing my skin, most of them still didn’t believe it was my products I was using. Someone even told me that most people that are into skincare don’t use what they sell. I am a nurse by profession, so I care more about the treatment of the skin than the money. I make sure that as I am taking your money, I am giving you value for it, so you can always come back.

LynkUPP: Where do you produce your products?

VGC: Our products are produced here in Ghana. The ingredients are locally sourced and processed, giving you the purest and highest quality.

LynkUPP: Congratulations on your recent global award. Could you share more about that experience?

VGC: Thank you. Yes, I received a mail from the organizers of the award that I have been nominated for an award. I was really surprised and excited. For me to have made it this far made a lot of people to start believing in me. The next day, over 100 people placed order for my products, and the demand has been pouring in since then. I was very glad when I got this award, as it really boosted my business.

LynkUPP: Tell us about the investment opportunities in your company

VGC: There are various investment opportunities in Vanis Glow Cosmetics. We have wholesale deals for those who want to buy and sell, and believe me when I say that it’s a very good deal.  We also have partnership opportunity. Yes, we need partners and investors, since we are still growing. Vanis Glow Cosmetics is registered by FDA and internal revenue, and we have the license to carry out business on a large global scale.

LynkUPP: Where do you envision your business in the next five years?

VGC: In the next five years, I see Vanis Glow Cosmetics becoming a global brand, reaching customers worldwide. Currently, we are serving markets in Ghana, Nigeria, Dubai, the UK, the US, and Rwanda. Our exceptional products and the positive experiences of our customers will undoubtedly propel us to greater heights, distinguishing us from other skincare brands. There is absolutely no basis for comparison.

LynkUPP: How can people contact you for your products:

VGC: There are various ways ways to reach us. You can reach us here, or visit our official website for all skin consultations and products purchase.

LynKUPP: It was really nice having this chat with you. Thank you for your time.

VGC: You’re welcome. It was nice talking to you too. If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to reach out anytime.


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