
Bank Verification Number (BVN) | What is BVN & How Does It Work?

Written by LynkUPP

The Bank Verification Number (BVN) is a unique code assigned to every individual with a bank account in Nigeria. Introduced by the Central Bank of Nigeria in 2014, this 11-digit number acts as a safeguard for your money.

Think of BVN as a secret key that only you possess. It ensures that no one can impersonate you and access your funds. BVN plays a crucial role in securing your money by enabling secure communication between banks.

BVN ensures the security of your savings and streamlines your banking experience by reducing wait times at the bank. Now, let’s delve into the specifics!

What is BVN?

BVN, or Bank Verification Number, is a distinctive identification code assigned to every bank customer in Nigeria. Comprising 11 digits, it serves as a universal identifier across all financial institutions within the country. The Central Bank of Nigeria introduced BVN to bolster banking security, combat fraud, and streamline banking services for customers.

How BVN Works in Nigeria

In Nigeria, the Bank Verification Number (BVN) system assigns a unique ID to each bank customer, ensuring secure and efficient banking. To obtain a BVN, you visit any bank, fill out an enrollment form, and undergo biometric data capture, including fingerprints and a facial image. After submission, you receive an acknowledgment slip with a transaction ID. Within 24 hours, the system processes the application and generates the BVN, notifying the customer via SMS for pick-up.

Importance of BVN

Your BVN is really important for two big reasons:

1. BVN helps stop fraud in banks

Think of it like a secret code that only you have. It’s linked to your identity and verified by all banks. This makes it super hard for anyone to pretend to be you and steal your money. Plus, the special details linked to your BVN, like fingerprints and face scans, are really secure and tough to fake.

2. It keeps your money safe

The BVN’s special checks using your fingerprints and face make banking even safer. It’s way better than using just passwords or PINs, which can be guessed or stolen. So, having a BVN means your money stays secure, and you can bank with peace of mind.

3. It makes banking Transparent

BVN helps keep an eye on all the transactions happening in banks. This makes it easier for regulators to catch any sneaky or illegal stuff going on.

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4. It makes banking easier for you

Having a BVN means you don’t have to carry a bunch of IDs around when dealing with different banks. It’s like having one super ID that works everywhere in Nigeria. So, banking becomes way more hassle-free for you!

5. The BVN system supports the drive for financial inclusion

This is possible by ensuring that banking services are accessible to all segments of the society securely. It makes it easier for people to open new bank accounts.
This encourages more people to join the formal banking system.

6. The BVN aids banks in complying with local and international banking regulations

This primarily concerns Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements. Adhering to these regulations helps establish trust with international financial institutions and enhances the global reputation of Nigeria’s banking sector.

7. Ease of banking services

The BVN has enhanced banking services, paving the way for innovations like digital banking. It provides a secure method to identify customers for online and mobile banking, thereby enhancing convenience for users.

How To Register For Your BVN

To register for your BVN, follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit a Bank Branch or Authorized Registration Center

The initial step is to go to your bank branch or an authorized BVN registration center. These centers have the required technology for the registration process.

Step 2: Provide a Valid Means of Identification

When you arrive, make sure to bring a valid official identification document such as your National ID Card, Driver’s License, Voter’s Card, or International Passport. Ensure the ID is current and clearly displays your full name, date of birth, and a clear photograph.

Step 3: Biometric Data Capture

During registration, you’ll provide your biometric data, including fingerprints and a facial photo. This step is crucial for establishing your unique identity within the banking system.

Step 4: Acknowledgement Slip

Once your biometrics are captured, you’ll receive an acknowledgment slip. This slip confirms that your biometric data has been successfully captured.

Step 5: Receiving Your BVN

Within 24 hours of submission, your unique 11-digit BVN will be generated and sent to the phone number you provided during registration via SMS.

Here are 5 ways to link your BVN to your bank account:

1. Visit Your Bank Branch:

You can go to any branch of your bank and ask to link your BVN to your account. You’ll probably have to fill out a BVN linkage form, provide your BVN and required ID, and then hand in the form to the bank officer.

2. ATM:

Banks provide the choice to link your BVN through their ATMs. Insert your debit card, input your PIN, and locate the BVN linkage option in the menu. Then, follow the on-screen instructions to enter your BVN.

3. Bank’s Mobile App:

If your bank’s mobile app supports it, you can directly link your BVN through the app. Simply navigate to the BVN update or linkage option within the app, input your BVN, and follow the instructions provided to complete the process.

4. USSD Code:

Certain banks offer a USSD code service for BVN linkage. You simply dial a specific code and follow the prompts to input your BVN and link it to your account. The exact code and process vary depending on your bank, so it’s best to confirm with your bank for the correct USSD code to use.

Bank’s Website or BVN Portal:

Some banks might provide a dedicated portal on their website for BVN linkage. You’ll need to go to the website, locate the BVN linkage portal, input your account details and BVN, and then submit the form. It’s a straightforward process but make sure to follow the instructions provided by your bank.


How do I get a BVN account?

To get a BVN account, just head to any bank branch in Nigeria with a valid ID like your passport, driver’s license, voter’s card, or national ID. Fill out an enrollment form, hand it in, and get your biometric data captured.

To check your BVN number, simply dial *565*0# from the phone number you used for registration. Your phone will show your BVN on the screen. Keep in mind there might be charges for this service. If you need more info, you can check out our detailed guide on how to check your BVN.

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How do I access my BVN account?

Your BVN doesn’t provide access to a separate account. Instead, it links all your bank accounts under one identity. To access your BVN through your linked accounts, use your bank’s internet banking, or mobile app, or visit a branch.

Final Thoughts

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The BVN system is like the backbone of modern banking in Nigeria. It’s a major move towards making banking and finance more trustworthy and dependable. By giving a secure and quick way to ID and verify customers, it helps Nigeria aim for a financial system that’s fairer, safer, and overall better. And guess what? It’s only going to get better from here. As it keeps growing and improving, it’ll lay down a solid base for digital finance in Nigeria, opening doors to more cool stuff and better access to banking for everyone.

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