Richard Okai, a 26-year-old mobile money sales boy, has found himself in hot water after being accused of embezzling approximately GH¢1,385,910.3. His case is currently before an Adentan Circuit Court, awaiting the Attorney General’s (AG’s) direction on further action.
Okai, who initially pleaded not guilty to six counts of stealing various amounts, was first brought before the court on March 7, 2024, presided over by Judge Angela Attachie. The charges against him ranged from GH¢ 94,596.30 to GH¢ 460,983.
In the latest hearing on April 23, 2024, before Judge Nana Aba Quaiba Nunoo, who is acting as a relief judge, the case was adjourned to April 29, 2024, pending the AG’s advice.
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According to Chief Inspector Maxwell Lanyo, the prosecutor in the case, Okai, also known as Kobby, worked as a sales boy responsible for mobile money transactions at Lilyna Enterprise, a cosmetic shop in Madina Market owned by the complainant. Allegedly, Okai abused his position by transferring company funds into his personal mobile money account.
The prosecution further detailed how Okai’s suspicious behavior was noticed by Naa Mayley, the complainant’s daughter, who then uncovered the unauthorized transfers. Subsequent investigations revealed a pattern of embezzlement dating back to December 2022, totaling GH¢709,903.6.
Moreover, evidence indicated that he had used part of the stolen funds to purchase land and engage in gambling activities, among other expenditures.
The prosecution emphasized the breach of trust and financial losses incurred by the complainant due to Okai’s actions. Consequently, Okai faces charges of theft and awaits further legal proceedings.
As the case continues, it showcases the importance of vigilant oversight and robust internal controls in safeguarding set in place against financial misappropriation. The outcome of the legal proceedings will determine the accountability and restitution owed in this alleged act of theft.